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Frequently Asked Questions

How would you briefly describe IOVan Caravan Security Systems?

IOVan caravan security systems, installation of the smart box in your vehicle, connection of the system with the server center by inserting the sim card for the GSM network communication infrastructure of the devices belonging to this system, defining a user name and password for you, providing you with access to the service software for 2 years and tracking your vehicles through this software. This includes notification services via message within the scope of the received package.

What is the procedure for the IOVan Caravan Security System on my caravan?

After purchasing the security package you need, we make an appointment for the installation of the smart box in your vehicle, the smart box is installed in your vehicle, and then you start using the system via the "smart caravan" application you download to your tablet or phone. 

Is cabling done in the caravan during system installation, is my caravan damaged due to this cabling?

The installation of the device is done by our technical team with 25 years of industry experience, and if there is no open cable anywhere in your caravan and there are cable tunnels in your caravan (depending on the brand and model), the installation is completed without any drilling. Since the installed device is fed directly from the battery, the application does not harm your electrical system and other devices.

Is there a difference between installing the system when the caravan is under construction and doing it later?

Although we prefer that the wiring is completed during the construction of the caravan, if you purchase the system later, you will not encounter a cosmetically disturbing appearance in your caravan.

Can you apply the safety system to all trailers and motorhomes?

We continue to work with many domestic and foreign caravan companies, we can apply the system to all towing and motorhomes. 

Where does the device installed in my vehicle get the energy from?

The smart box installed in your vehicle is powered by the battery in your vehicle, and if there is a power cut due to the low energy level of the battery, the system sends a notification to your phone and reminds you that your battery needs to be charged. Therefore, the system does not turn off without your knowledge.

When I buy any security package  does I own the device installed in my vehicle?

Yes, the device installed in your vehicle becomes your property.

Is the security service indefinite and uninterrupted, or is it time-limited?

You receive uninterrupted service for 2 (two) years after the contract is signed and the installation is completed and the system is activated. GSM server and data service is renewed in the form of a 1 (one) year subscription upon the customer's request for renewal at the end of the 2 (two) year period and provided that the renewal fee is paid. At the end of the 2 (two) year period,  30(thirty) days before the customer does not request renewal, the GSM line is closed, the system is suspended until the annual subscription fee is paid. 

What should I do for the continuation of the system when the 2-year service period has expired?

When the two-year service period is completed, we will send you a notification and remind you that the service will continue for 1 year periods, provided that the server and data cost is paid. Considering the price policy implemented by the GSM operators as of the contract date, this price is 60.00 TL per month as of now. In other words, at the end of the 2-year period, you can continue to use the system for 1 more year by paying 720.00 TL for server and data. 

Will I also need an internet connection in my caravan for the system to work?

You do not need an internet modem or internet connection in your caravan for the system to work, the system does not work with internet infrastructure.

Can I sell my attached Caravan with this system?

If you sell your caravan with a device installed, if you share the information of the new user with us, the membership will be transferred by us. For membership transfer, new member information must be sent to us.

What should I do if I sell my trailer and want to migrate the system to my new trailer?

You can move the system in your caravan to another caravan, provided that you pay the disassembly and assembly cost. 

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